
Spell - Marié Digby

这首Spell选自Marie Digby的首张专辑《Unfold》。安静平和的钢琴伴奏和清纯的女声,很深情,娓娓倾诉着自己对爱人诚挚的感情,如同歌词中吟唱的那样,以最纯洁和率真的方式,俘虏心灵…….


Spotlight shining brightly, on my face

I can’t see a thing and yet I feel you walking my way

Empty stage, with nothing but discourage

Singing this simple melody and

wearing her heart on her sleave and right now

I have you, for a moment I can tell I’ve got you

Cuz your lips don’t move

Something is happening

Cuz your eyes tell me the truth

I’ve put a spell over you


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